Booty & Ab Circuit — Healthy Habits
There are so many days when I come up with reasons to not workout—I’ll start tomorrow, I’ll start on Monday, I’ll just lay down for a sec first when I get home from work, it’s the weekend so it’s time to relax. The hardest part of getting into the flow of working out regularly is just starting. And since it’s January, what better time to start—resolutions or not.
I wanted to start sharing the fitness & health parts of my life, since they’ve played an important part in shaping who I am over the past few years. I started lifting here and there in my senior year of college, learning different workouts from my mom when she was up visiting, and going to the tiny YMCA near school because I was too self-conscious to go the IMA and workout next to all the guys and student athletes.
If you’ve never gone to a gym because you’re embarrassed or scared of being judged (trust me, the people who are there to work out are paying more attention to what they’re doing), or you go to the gym regularly and want a new workout to try (because, at least for me, I start to lose motivation when my workouts become too routine), I’m going to share some of my workouts to get you started and to mix things up with. I’m in no way a trainer and don’t have any qualifications, other than I just enjoy working out, but I’ll walk you through each movement with pictures and then put the full workout down below.
So let’s start with everyone’s favorites, glutes and abs! I made this one a circuit, something that can be done even if you don’t have a ton of time and that can be as intense as you make it!
Warm Up
You can really do anything for your warm-up, just something to get the blood flowing and muscles loosened up before you get going on the workout. I’m choosing stairs but you could also do this on a treadmill or with a jump rope.
> stairs (5:00)
Start slow (I set the stepmill at 6-8) for 1 min. For the next 4 min, we’ll do a Tabata, alternating with 20 seconds at a fast speed (12-16) and 10 seconds at a slow recovery speed (6-8). Feel free to adjust these speeds to fit what works for you!
Booty Circuit
For each of these movements, you’ll do a 4 min Tabata—meaning you’ll do the first movement for 8 rounds of 20 seconds on (do the movement continuously) and 10 seconds off (resting), until your 4 min are up, then you’ll take a quick rest and move on to the next movement and do the 8 rounds of 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off.
> wall balls (4:00 tabata)

Start in a squatted position holding your weighted ball (I used an 8 lb ball) at around chest level. As you thrust upward, throw the ball upward against the wall, using the momentum powered by your lower body. Catch the ball as you follow it on its way down, bending your knees and returning to a squat.
> banded long jumps (4:00 tabata)

Loop a resistance band around a sturdy bar, pole, squat rack, etc. Start with the band stretched slightly, jump forward, landing with soft knees, and then step backward to your starting position.
> med ball slams (4:00 tabata)

Grab a medicine ball (make sure to use one of the soft non-bounce medicine balls). Start with the ball overhead and slam the ball downward, bending your knees as you lower your arms. You’ll end in a squatted position. Try to slam the ball with enough force for it to bounce up just enough for you to catch it. Bring it back overhead as you return to standing.
> jump lunges (4:00 tabata)

Last one! Start in a lunge position. Using your front leg to propel yourself, jump upward in place as you switch your front and back legs and land back in a lunge position. Continue to alternate which leg is forward. Make sure when you’re landing into your lunge, your front knee doesn’t cross over your front toes. You can also do this one stepping instead of jumping.
Ab Circuit
For this ab circuit, you can either do two rounds of the full circuit (easier) or do a 3:00 Tabata for each movement (harder).
> russian twists (3:00 tabata or 20/side)

In a seated position on the floor, lift your slightly bent legs a couple inches off the floor and lean your torso back. Twist to one side, keeping your shoulders and head aligned, and then to the other side. You can also do this while holding a medicine ball.
> leg lifts (3:00 tabata or 12 reps)

Laying down, place your arms either at your sides or underneath you, with your legs a few inches off the floor. Tighten your core to lift your legs until they’re perpendicular to the ground. Lift your legs straight upward to raise your butt off the ground, making sure not to bring your legs up toward your head. Lower your butt back down, then lower your legs to hover above the floor without touching them down.
> oblique plank twists (1:00 tabata or 10/side)

Start in a plank position. Lower one hip toward the floor without touching down, twisting your lower body and shifting to the sides of your feet but keeping your shoulders even and head faced toward the floor. Return to a plank position and do the same on the other side, lowering your other hip toward the floor.
> mountain climbers (3:00 tabata or 10/side)

Start in a plank position with your arms extended. Bring one knee toward your chest, contracting your abs and tucking your tummy in. Switch legs and do the same. You can do this one continuously alternating legs, or returning to the plank position each time before bringing your other leg up.
Woo! We made it! Now let’s make this “New Year’s resolution” into a year-round lifestyle.